Frederick Air's Same-Day Cooling Guarantee - Frederick Air, Inc.

Frederick Air’s Same-Day Cooling Guarantee

Here’s a little piece of information you may want to keep in mind this summer. If you find yourself suddenly and unexpectedly in need of a new Air Conditioning system… Now; You’ve got a problem! You’ve heard our Founder and President Steve Schmidt say on the radio a million times “Frederick Air will do whatever it takes to keep you comfortable.” Well here’s the proof: Sign a contract with us that day, and we’ll do whatever it takes to get you air conditioning by that night. Whether it is a temporary repair, or portable AC unit, or another solution to give you cooling until your installation. If you commit to us, we’ll commit to you. You won’t spend a single night without cooling! What else would you expect from the local homegrown business you’ve trusted for all these years. Request an estimate here: Request Service or give us a call 301.663.0300

Frederick Air – It’s a Good Call!

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